On the Frontline, the Germans have a new weapon...the new Machine Krieger! First the Allies saw the M.K.I "Uber Soldat" but did not know that it was just to keep the Allies busy until the new M.K.IIs arrived.
The "Uber Soldat" is now on the move, armed with the new MG45g and firing heavy caliber rounds which are able to penetrate buildings, trees, and walls. Or the new flamethrower, which is also able to fire a toxic gas as well as flames! Nowhere is safe on the battlefield when the M.K.IIs arrive!
Now you can reinforce your German forces with some hard-hitting fire power and hit your enemies hard to take Germany back--For the Fatherland!
The elusive Colonel Von Kliest, ever-aware of the Americans sending in reinforcements and improving their fire power. The Colonel has completed the Uber Soldat MKII, and they are now moving onto the field. In Uber Soldat's "For the Fatherland," you will be able to field Germany's MKII Machine Warriors! Armed with either the MG45(g) HC HMG or the Heavy Flamethrower, these new warriors mean to take back Germany! Also included are two new SS men to support the M.K.II Uber Soldat.
Included in "For the Fatherland" are two new characters, Lieutenant Schmidt, and Hans Ackert, who is armed with an MG42. These men are part of the SS Guard assigned to Colonel Von Kliest and have taken the serum. They are dedicated SS men, and they're here to support the Uber Soldat!
Each model has its own character card which outlines its abilities and weapons, the SS Guard and Uber Soldats alike.
The Uber Soldat M.K.Is were a mere stop-gap, fielded to hold the foolish allies off until Von Kliest got his work of art into place. "For the Fatherland" introduces the Uber Soldat MKII! Standing over seven feet tall, fully armored, the perfect German soldier. Armed with either the feared, minacing, and destructive MG45(g) or the Flammenwerfer 42, which can fire either flames or chemicals, these warriors are fearless and hard to take down!
Each model has its own character card which outlines its abilities and weapons, the SS Guard and Uber Soldats alike.
In this set you will also get equipment cards to outfit your Uber Soldat M.K.II or SS Guard.
Once again, for very quick reference so you spend less time looking up rules and more time playing!