Terminator Genisys John Connor 28mm Miniatures River Horse
1 x John Conor plastic 28mm miniature
"There is no fate but what we make for ourselves."
John Connor, the son of Sarah Connor and Kyle Reese, is the leader of the worldwide human Resistance, as well as the more specialised Tech-Com during the War Against the Machines. Skynet, the supercomputer mainframe of the machines, decides that John Connor is the focal point of the rebellion and his termination would end the opposition. After repeated failures at terminating John during the war, Skynet decides to use a time displacement device to send Terminators to various points in the past in an attempt to terminate him before the war even begins.
Model comes mounted on a plastic 29mm base as seen above but will also include an addition 25mm plastic base to mount model on if you desire that will match the existing models used for this game.
Painted models above are examples only, Model comes unpainted as seen in first picture.