Greek Peltasts - Javelin Men Sprue (8) 28mm Plastic VICTRIX
1 Sprue - 8 x 28mm 1/56th scale Hard Plastic Multipose Miniatures
This exceptional 8 figure set of 28mm hard plastic Greek Peltast/Javlinmen has superbly detailed figures and a myriad of additional parts allowing many options when building the figures. These figures represent Greek light infantry from the 5th to mid 3rd Century BCE. These warriors were the main Greek mercenary of the 4th Century, lightly armed but also effective in close combat. Javelin men were used for skirmishing at a distance, mainly coming from the more mountainous areas of Greece.
Go here for additional ancient weapons such as Spears, Javelins, shields and so on -> WEAPONS/SHIELDS HERE!
Figures need assembly and painting - Sample of built/painted models pictured above.