Dacia & Sarmatia Dacian King (Mounted/Foot) & Advisor 28mm Ancients WARLORD GAMES
A hero that leads a Dacia & Sarmatia Warband is a renowned warrior and a veteran of many battles. Dacian Heroes know the value of fortifications, and prolonged wars against Rome by retreating to fortified places.
Dacian King Decebalus, both on foot and mounted. As king of Dacia, Decebalus (the ‘Brave’) roused his people to consistently thwart Roman attempts to conquer his nation. Allying with the horsemen of Sarmatia, he proved to be a constant thorn in the side of two emperors and even forced the Emperor Trajan to peaceful terms – for a while.
When fielding King Decebalus, you also have the option to field his Shaman Advisor. Susages constantly whispers in the king's ears, bringing the benefits of his many years of wisdom. However, the king has a habit of bringing Susages right into the heart of battle to hear this advice, much to the shaman’s consternation!